Terms & Conditions


These general conditions expressed by Marmoceramic may be updated or modified at any time by giving notice through the pages of this site.

Marmoceramic states that:

  1. these general conditions have as their object the purchase of products made with a distance selling system through the website www.marmoceramic.comregistered in the name of Marmoceramicwith headquarters in Via Ronco 29 – 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR).
  2. “online” sales contract means the distance contract, i.e. the legal transaction concerning movable property stipulated between a supplier, Marmoceramic with registered office in Via Ronco 29 – 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) and a customer or client, as part of a distance selling system organized by the supplier who, for this contract, uses only the communication technology called Internet (electronic commerce).
  3. fall within the hypothesis subject to art. 64 et ss. of Legislative Decree 206/05 (possibility for the buyer to exercise the right of withdrawal) also on purchases through the Internet. This right is regulated only in favor of the so-called End User.


Orders can be submitted via the internet, through the e-commerce site on the www.marmoceramic.com website.

The customer can request the total or partial cancellation of orders sent to Marmoceramic by telephone contact.

Marmoceramic at its discretion may accept the cancellation or refuse it if the orders are already being prepared.

In any case, Marmoceramic will inform the customer of the outcome of the cancellation.


Each order placed on the eshop   www.marmoceramic.com will be confirmed to the customer by e-mail through automatic communications.


The prices displayed in the eshop www.marmoceramic.com are exclusive of VAT.

Discounts determined by Marmoceramic may be provided for certain quantities and types of products.

There are also individual trades applied to particular customers against certain turnovers during certain periods.

Marmoceramic reserves the right to change the prices published online on the eshop www.marmoceramic.com at any time.


Shipping costs for orders placed on the eshop www.marmoceramic.com  vary depending on the weight and the area, as shown in the table on the purchase guide.

The Customer must immediately notify Marmoceramic of any error or omission of any kind in the payment conditions and prices contained in the order summary page visible on the www.marmoceramic.com website and / or in the order confirmation e-mail.

Marmoceramic reserves the right to change the prices published online on the eshop www.marmoceramic.com at any time.



Orders that will arrive from www.marmoceramic.com will be promptly processed. The products will be delivered by express courier.

Delivery is expected within 24/48 hours of the order or verification of the payment made by the Customer.

Delivery times refer to the products available in stock; for other products, the delivery date will be communicated by e-mail and / or by telephone by Marmoceramic at the time of the order.

The terms of delivery indicated in the conditions set out on www.marmoceramic.com are not binding for Marmoceramic.

Marmoceramic therefore has the right to reasonably anticipate or postpone the delivery of all or part of the goods, without this constituting, in favor of the Buyer, a right to request the total or partial resolution of the sale.



On the website www.marmoceramic.com you can make the payment of orders through:


By bank transfer specifying in the payment reason the order number issued by the system.

By accepting the conditions of sale, the buyer undertakes to make payment by bank transfer no later than 3 days, under penalty of cancellation of the order by Marmoceramic


Payment by cash on delivery is to be made at the same time as the delivery of the same. The payment, in this case, will necessarily be in cash to be delivered to the shipper at the time of delivery. Under no circumstances, other means of payment will be accepted. The amount that will be paid to the shipper will correspond to the total amount due expressed at the confirmation of the order on the site www.marmoceramic.com with the addition of transport costs. In case of payment by cash on delivery, an additional contribution is due, the amount of which will be indicated during the purchase process, before the user transmits the order.



In the case of a contract for the purchase of products concluded by a Customer on the site www.marmoceramic.com the latter will have the right to withdraw from the contract itself, pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 52 et al. of the Consumer Code, without any penalty and without specifying the reason.

The decision to exercise the right of withdrawal must be communicated by the Customer within 14 days of receipt of the product; in the case of separate delivery of more goods, ordered by the Customer with a single order, the term of fifteen days for the exercise of the right of withdrawal starts from the day on which the last product is delivered.

The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, by the Customer, within the 14 days mentioned above, registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to Marmoceramic – Via Ronco 29 – 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR).

The products for which the right of withdrawal is exercised must be returned within fifteen days from the day on which the Customer has communicated the exercise of the right of withdrawal, intact, in their original packaging, complete with accessories and any manuals, without any lack.


While browsing the website www.marmoceramic.com text strings called cookies may be stored on your computer that collect information that can identify some data. The www.marmoceramic.com website contains, in this regard, a special information link.



Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data), we inform you that the personal data made available to Marmoceramic with registered office Via Ronco 29 – 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) will be processed in compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data as well as© the principles of confidentiality.

The personal data made available to Marmoceramic will be used, in addition© for any legal purpose, to manage and execute its orders or purchase proposals.

If express consent is given, Marmoceramic may communicate through automated electronic communication systems (mail, sms, mms, ).

The data controller is Marmoceramic,with registered office in Via Ronco 29 – 37015 Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR)

Any request relating to the data processed by Marmoceramic to the processing activities carried out by the latter or in any case connected to the exercise of the rights referred to in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 can be sent to the following e-mail address www.marmoceramic.com.
